Here at Try Wild, we want to protect and respect the planet so we can safeguard our future grandkid’s generations (in their Try Wild kit). We want to promote eco-conscious fashion and invest in a positive social impact movement whilst making top-quality clothes.

Renewable Energy Manufacturing

What you to choose to wear is ever-increasingly an environmental issue which is why we’ve chosen Earthpositive as our material and textile provider. The products are all 100% Cotton for long, durable wear and perfect for easy recycling. They are also 100% Renewable Energy manufactured.

Ethical Practice

Moreover, EarthPositive faultlessly strives to ethically manufacture all materials through stringent vetting from the ‘Clean Cotton Campaign’, Fair Wear Foundation (FWF) and Fair Trade Practices.

Earth Positive contractually will not use child labour or forced labour, are certified for safe and healthy working conditions, stand for legal labour contracts with prerequisite living wage and no discrimination against employees. 

 25% of Profits Donated to Lighthouse Relief

Lighthouse Relief is an incredible organisation which I have previously volunteered for that offers long-term support and structured emergency responses to the global refugee crisis in Greece. To read more about Lighthouse Relief and what they do, please return to the homepage. Below shows a diagram explaining where your 25% of profits will go to their organisation. 


Why Choose Try Wild?

More than just a t-shirt, Try Wild is an eccentric but minimalist clothing brand. 100% Organic Cotton and ethically made, but crucially, manufactured solely using sustainable energy generated from Wind and Solar power 


"Try Wild started off as a fun idea for myself. But it blossomed into a passion for minimalist, eccentric t-shirt designs that are eco-friendly and gender neutral. I loved the idea of being able to combine my passion for design with supporting LightHouse Relief, which is a charity that I have volunteered with and have seen first hand the great work that they do."

- Emperor of Try Wild